Charities using social media

The Charity Commission advises that if your charity uses social media, you are responsible for:

  • agreeing and putting in place a social media policy so that you have internal controls that are appropriate and proportionate for your charity’s needs and which are clear to everyone at the charity using social media
  • ensuring your social media policy is regularly reviewed to check it is working effectively and fits your charity’s needs
  • ensuring your charity’s social media use helps you achieve your charity’s purpose (what your charity was set up to do) and in a way that is in your charity’s best interests
  • complying with relevant laws
  • ensuring any campaigning or political activity that your charity does on social media complies with the rules on political activity and campaigning
  • ensuring your processes help you keep people safe online including any extra considerations when dealing with vulnerable users. Read the “Operating online” section of our guidance on safeguarding

See for the full guidance.

We can assist in preparing a social media policy if required.

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