From 1 August 2018, new rules extend the criteria disqualifying certain individuals from acting as trustees or holding senior management positions in charities. The Charity Commission has published guidance on this which can be read in full here, but the basic details are summarised below. The New Rules There are currently rules in place which […]
The Charity Commission, the regulator of charities in England and Wales, has published the findings of a study which has found that cultural factors, such as placing excessive trust or responsibility in individuals, or the lack of internal challenge and oversight, contributed to 70% of insider frauds within a sample of charities analysed by the […]
The Fraud Advisory Panel have produced new resources to help you prevent, detect and respond to charity fraud. Check out
The Charity Commission has made a number of amendments to the content of the annual return for 2018 (AR18), after an extensive consultation with charities throughout the autumn. It says the new annual return will make for an easier user experience for charities, and stresses that it will be more proportionate than in the past, […]
You can take this preventative action now: make sure charity software has up-to-date virus protection (though it will not always prevent you from becoming infected) don’t click on links or open any attachments you receive in unsolicited emails or SMS messages. Fraudsters can ‘spoof’ an email address to make it look like it’s […]
Charities should be aware of “WannaCry” and “Petya”. These are the cyber attacks that have brought organisations to a standstill recently. Many charities are not investing in adequate levels of cyber protection. The Charity Commission has warned that charities could be at risk and should be vigilant. Further Matthew Hancock the digital minister has said […]
Charities which pester donors for cash face being fined up to £25,000 under new rules. A new Fundraising Preference Service, launched this week allows members of the public to demand that charities stop sending them fundraising messages by phone, text or email. Should a charity fail to comply, it may be reported by the fundraising […]
This is a Charity Commission press release:- Press release: Generous public should make sure donations go to genuine charities supporting the victims in Manchester, says charity regulator Posted: 25 May 2017 08:06 AM PDT The Charity Commission is encouraging people wishing to support the victims of this week’s terrorist attack in Manchester to donate to […]
The purpose of trading subsidiaries of charities is simple. The wholly owned trading subsidiary undertakes the commercial trading activities that do not fall within the objects of the charity. The subsidiary will be taxable in exactly the same way as for a normal company but with careful planning can gift the majority of its profits […]
Charitable donations according to the Charities Aid Foundation’s annual UK Giving report found that charitable donations held steady at £9.7bn last year. Apparently the EU referendum had no influence on people’s reported giving. CAF’s survey of 8,000 found 89 per cent did something charitable last year, up from 79 per cent in 2015. Sixty-one per […]