Government launches new safeguarding portal for charities

Free online resource for charities launched by the Government. It is a safeguarding portal created to help charities handle safeguarding concerns or allegations. See

The portal is intended to show charities how to handle a safeguarding concern or allegation, with prompts to take certain actions or to contact particular people or agencies. 

It also contains links to other online resources, including guidance from the Charity Commission, NCVO, Bond, the NSPCC and others.

Key steps are highlighted to be taken on learning about a safeguarding concern or allegation, including emphasising the importance of:

  • taking action even if the concern is not recent or is anonymous,
  • involving the relevant local council’s Children’s Social Care or Adult Social Care team as a priority, and
  • taking any necessary actions to prevent immediate risk of harm, which might in some cases require suspending a person from their role in the charity.

Practical advice is given on how best to support the person affected by the safeguarding issue,.

Charities should note that the portal is not a reporting tool.

It is for the charity itself to report  the safeguarding concern or allegation to the relevant local council’s Children’s Social Care or Adult Social Care team, or the Police, on behalf of a charity.

The charity should also make a serious incident report to the Charity Commission as required.

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