Help for Ukrainians -charities to contribute to.

The war in Ukraine has  seen many atrocities and displacement of millions of Ukrainians from their homes. A number of UK charities have set up appeals. However as always there are many scams around. The charities below are well known and it is safe to contribute to their Ukraine appeals.

The British Red Cross has launched a Ukraine Crisis Appeal to support the work of the Ukrainian Red Cross to fund food, water, first aid, medicines, warm clothes, and shelter.

Unicef, are helping to provide families with access to clean water and food, and to ensure child health and protection services are sustained.

UNHCR – The UN Refugee Agency is urgently upscaling relief operations across Ukraine and in neighbouring countries to support fleeing civilians to help provide emergency aid, shelter and lifesaving protection for refugees and displaced Ukrainians.

Care International UK – CARE is providing emergency relief through their partner People in Need, who are currently on the ground in Ukraine providing food, water, hygiene kits, cash and wellbeing support. They are also planning to provide relief in neighbouring countries.

Save the Children are helping to provide aid to children and their families – including hygiene kits and grants for families to pay for food and medicine.


Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) – Donations to the DEC’s appeal will go to member charities and their local partners responding in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries. DEC charities are experts in humanitarian relief with decades of responding to crises around the world – from earthquakes to floods as well as conflicts. Find out some of the ways they’re helping people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.

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