Post Covid charity trustee meetings – what you should know.

The Charity Commission temporary guidance  permitting all charities to hold virtual meetings, regardless of the terms of their constitution during Covid  was withdrawn on 21 June 2022. On 19 July 2024, the Charity Commission updated its Charity Meetings guidance  to clarify the rules on virtual meetings. Go to to see it.

Can we still hold virtual meetings?

Virtual and hybrid meetings are permitted only if  your constitution expressly permits them.

So  check your constitution, and any associated rules or bye laws. If your constitution gives you power to hold virtual meetings then good! However, the default position  is that meetings must be held, and decisions must be made, in person. To change that  will require express constitutional provision (including decisions made via Whatsapp trustee groups).

Do we need to change the constitution

You may need to  update your constitution to give your charity the ability hold virtual meetings now. Virtual meetings are useful where:

  • Trustees are geographically widespread;
  • Disability makes travelling difficult; and
  • An emergency requires a rapid response.

Such constitutional  changes do not generally require Charity Commission consent. We can assist with advice and making the changes. So contact us if you need guidance. Email

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